The Lynn Lake Gold Project Environmental Impact Statement (“EIS”) was submitted May 25, 2020 to the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (“IAAC”). Below is a copy of the submitted EIS. Several supplemental filings, amendments and responses to Information Requests (IRs) were also submitted to supplement the EIS and to clarify outstanding technical aspects. All information submitted to supplement the EIS can be found at the IAAC website.
On March 5, 2023 a positive Decision Statement was issued by the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Canada regarding the Project’s EIS. As well, in accordance with the Environment Act, the Province of Manitoba issued Environment Act Licences for the MacLellan and Gordon sites.
Alamos Gold worked with Stantec Consulting Ltd. to carry out the environmental impact assessment of the Lynn Lake Gold Project. An environmental assessment (“EA”) is a process to identify, predict and evaluate the potential environmental effects of a proposed project. This process happens before decisions about a proposed project are made. Impact assessments consider a wide range of environmental and social factors and propose measures to mitigate a projects’ adverse effects.
The Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 (“CEAA 2012”) is the legal basis for the federal EA process. The Act sets out the responsibilities and procedures for carrying out the EA of projects which involve federal government decision making. You can learn more about CEAA 2012 here.
Taking into account the findings of the EA, including implementing the identified mitigation measures, the EIS and supporting Decision Statement for the Lynn Lake Gold Project concludes that the Project is not likely to cause significant adverse environmental effects, including effects of the environment on the Project and cumulative effects.
The IAAC describes the environmental assessment as a process to predict environmental effects of proposed projects before they are carried out. An EA:
- identifies potential adverse environmental effects,
- proposes measures to mitigate adverse environmental effects,
- predicts whether there will be significant adverse environmental effects, after mitigation measures are implemented, and
- includes a follow-up program to verify the accuracy of the EA and the effectiveness of the mitigation measures.
Supporting Files

The Project Description was used to initiate the federal EA process under CEAA 2012 and inform the provincial EA process under The Environment Act of Manitoba. In most cases, the Project Description is the first document a proponent provides at the beginning of an EA.

The Canadian Environmental Assessment (“CEA”) Agency submitted this document to the Lynn Lake Gold Project, identifying the minimum information requirements for the preparation of an EIS pursuant to CEAA 2012.

The Project Description Amendment was submitted to the CEA Agency regarding proposed changes to the layout of infrastructure for the Lynn Lake Gold Project, specifically at the MacLellan site.

Summary of the EIS submitted to the IAAC and to Manitoba Conservation and Climate (“MCC”) as an Environment Act Proposal pursuant to requirements of The Environment Act (Manitoba).

- Concordance Table
- 1.0 – Introduction
- 2.0 – Project Description
- 3.0 – Engagement
- 4.0 – Environmental Effects Assessment, Scope and Methods
- 5.0 – Environmental Setting
- 6.0 – Atmospheric Environment
- 7.0 – Noise and Vibration
- 8.0 – Groundwater
- 9.0 – Surface Water

- 10.0 – Fish and Fish Habitat
- 11.0 – Vegetation and Wetlands
- 12.0 – Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat
- 13.0 – Labour and Economy
- 14.0 – Community Services and Infrastructure
- 15.0 – Land and Resource Use
- 16.0 – Heritage Resources
- 17.0 – Current Use of Lands and Resources for Traditional Purposes
- 18.0 – Human Health
- 19.0 – Indigenous Peoples

- 20.0 – Summary of Potential Effects, Mitigation, and Residual Effects
- 21.0 – Effects of the Environment on the Project
- 22.0 – Assessment of Potential Accidents or Malfunctions
- 23.0 – Environmental Management and Monitoring
- 24.0 – Benefits of the Project
- 25.0 – Conclusion

Supporting Technical Modelling Reports